
3 Reasons Wholesale Fuel Delivery Is Right For Your Fleet

Automotive Blog

For professionals who rely on their fleet to execute their business objectives, uninterrupted service is critical. When the fleet can't perform at an efficient level, the entire business may suffer. Wholesale fuel delivery is one service that can keep your fleet in motion while offering you many additional advantages at the same time. Here are just some of the reasons why relying on a wholesale fuel service is ideal. Locked in Price

25 November 2017

Dent In Your Car? Two Reasons Why You Should Have It Repaired


If you own a vehicle you know how easy it can be to end up denting it. Maybe you misjudged when parking and hit the curb with a bang or another driver came out of nowhere and t-boned you in the side. After you examine yourself and realize that you're okay, the next question is whether or not you're going to have the dent repaired. You may even have received a check from your insurer to cover the damage but could be thinking that it would be a better idea for you to apply the funds to another bill.

16 November 2017

Signs You Need Tire Balancing

Automotive Blog

It is recommended that you have your tires rebalanced every 6000 miles. This helps to keep them properly aligned. As you drive on your tires, they can become unbalanced and unaligned due to rough road, pot holes and regular wear and tear. Having them balanced and aligned helps to ensure that they wear properly, helping to extend the life of your tires. Unfortunately, not everyone gets their tires balanced and aligned every 6,000 miles as is recommended.

12 November 2017

3 Features That Will Make Your Next Semi-Truck More Comfortable

Automotive Blog

If you want to switch to the owner-operator life, the first thing you need to do is purchase a semi-truck that you can use and take out on the road. When you look for a used semi-truck, make sure that you look for features that will make your new ride comfortable on the road, such as: #1 Comfortable Bed First, check out the area where the bed is in the sleeper trailer.

26 October 2017